Strategic Movement Around Retirement Taxation

I Hate Taxes, And You Should Too.

Now, it’s time to stop hating and do something about it!

Today, most of us buy smartphones and smart TVs, but what are we doing to get smart with our money? In SMART Retirement, readers will learn how a SMART retirement can be built with little-known secrets that allow you to thrive in any market condition.

SMART is the Strategic Movement Around Retirement Taxation™ and its goal is to limit your postretirement taxation – not your income. Inside, you’ll learn:

• How to use tax arbitrage to dramatically increase your retirement income without risk

• Ways to reduce the amount of money you give to the IRS during retirement

• How Warren Buffet continues to grow his wealth through an actuarial concept called float and how you can integrate a similar approach in your personal finances

• The three dates that forever changes the face and future of the American retirement system and how to use this knowledge to protect your money

• Why rate of return is Wall Street’s half-truth and how they use misleading math to sell you

• The banker’s best math trick and how to stop it from costing you a comfortable retirement